transparent plastic texture
aesthetic star element
transparent plastic texture
aesthetic star element
Monoline Arch Frame
Monoline Arch Frame



Dark Drop Shadow

Shanice Selina

Ripped Paper Line Texture

about me

How to's · trends · unboxing & more

Hello! I’m Shanice Selina, a 28-year-old content creator and ​videographer based in Boston, Massachusetts. With a decade of ​experience in the world of digital media, I’ve honed my skills in ​crafting engaging content that resonates with audiences. My ​passion for storytelling through visuals has led me to work on a ​variety of projects, from compelling brand videos to dynamic ​social media campaigns.

Art is at the heart of everything I do. Whether I’m behind the ​camera or editing in the studio, I strive to infuse creativity ​and authenticity into my work. I have a keen eye for detail and a ​deep appreciation for the nuances that make content stand out. My ​portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects that reflect my ​dedication to quality and innovation.

I’m always eager to collaborate on new and exciting ventures ​that challenge me to push the boundaries of my creativity. ​Let’s create something amazing together!

+1(617) 201-1888



Smartphone Frame Vector
Smartphone Frame Vector
Smartphone Frame Vector
Smartphone Frame Vector
Person Squeezing Cloth with Milk


Single UGC Video

3x UGC Video

6x UGC Video

3x Stills

12x Stills






  • Videos will be delivered as 9:16 video, 4K.

  • Video length determined in response to brief.

  • Videos longer than 3min incur additional costs.

  • Prices include one round of feedback and ​lifetime organic usage.

  • Full terms of service are provided with each ​quote.
Rectangle with Bottom Shadow
Rectangle with Bottom Shadow

for inquiries